6 Reasons Why You Should Work at Camp This Summer

Being a camp counselor at a summer camp is one of the greatest summer jobs out there. Don’t believe us yet? Here’s our top 6 reasons of why you absolutely should join our team at Congressional Camp!

1. You Will Have a Ton of Fun
Being a camp counselor isn’t like most summer jobs. You won’t be confined to a desk filing papers
or stuck bussing tables. Instead, your summer will be spent on a gorgeous 40-acre campus surrounded
by kids who admire you. Campers aren’t the only ones who get to enjoy the pool, sports complex, and
ropes course. You’ll go down the waterslides, play basketball in the gym, and climb the rock wall
alongside your campers, the only difference is you’ll be getting paid. Every day at Congressional Camp is
filled with awesome kids having exciting adventures in a beautiful summer setting.
2. You Will Have a Positive Impact on Your Campers’ Lives
Being a camp counselor is about more than just having a fun summer job. Your campers will come
to idolize you. You’ll be the coolest person they’ve ever met. This means that you will have the power
to help shape their lives. Watching your campers gain confidence knowing that you played a part in
their development is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. Being a camp counselor means
you will be getting paid to help young people grow and develop into happy and healthy adults. Our
campers need positive counselors to spend the summer with!
3. Campers Will Have a Positive Impact on Your Life
Not only will you improve the lives of your campers, they will positively impact yours. You will grow
alongside them. While working at Congressional, you’ll develop a sense of responsibility, enhance your
ability to communicate, and become a more confident leader. Alongside the fun you’ll have at camp,
caring for your campers will help you develop a sense of responsibility. You’ll meet so many new faces
and will interact with so many different folks that you’ll become skilled at communicating with all types
of people. Leading a group of campers throughout the summers means that you’ll become a natural
leader. Working at camp provides you with unique experiences that foster your growth in ways that
other summer jobs simply can’t. Best of all, your campers will make you smile, because their faces will
light up every time they see you.
4. Become Part of a Community
When you start working at Congressional Camp, you become a part of the Congressional
community. Whether it’s your first summer or your tenth, spending a summer at Congressional means
you’ll end your experience with countless new friends and connections. Working with your fellow
counselors creates a bond that will bring you together like family. If you return for multiple summers,
you’ll get to see your campers grow and mature year after year. Working at Congressional means that
you’ll be a part of a tradition of quality summer camps. Come work at camp and join us!
5. Build Your Resume
Working at camp is not only fun, it’s the perfect supplement to your professional resume. You
already know that working at camp will foster your growth as a leader and communicator — future
employers understand that value too. Employers understand that working as a camp counselor means
that you are a skilled and capable candidate. The skills and qualifications you’ll gain at camp will look
great on your resume for years to come. There’s even a chance working at camp will lead you to
discover a rewarding career in education!
6. Get Paid to Have Fun!
Camp is not only fun and rewarding, but we will even pay you to be here! Where else could you
get paid to soak in the pool, zoom down the zipline, and shoot archery? Come work at Congressional
and collect a paycheck for riding horses, exploring the bamboo forest, and having the time of your life!
In addition, working at camp provides a wide array of opportunities for growth and promotion. Make
the right choice and apply to work at Congressional Camp today!